A sustainable piece of art
Nature is crucial to well-being and can greatly enhance our productivity and achievements.
We wanted to respect these values by creating a product that is eye-catching while at the same time practical and sustainable.
Every fifth Finnish family owns woodland, and that’s true of this family business too.
A primary goal has been set for forest management: preserving forests as a permanent place for diverse fauna and flora to grow.
As a result of Nordic forest management, the ability of forests to absorb carbon dioxide has improved continuously, thereby preventing the progression of the greenhouse effect.
For every BlockO that is carefully produced, we will plant a new birch on our family woodland.
This young sapling will grow into a beautiful, full-grown tree in the most ideal surroundings andwill receive a unique name plate stating that it exists thanks to your specific BlockO.

BlockO products have already been awarded twice for sustainability.
In 2021, Blocko FOUR received special mention in sustainability at the Archiproducts Design awards.
Following this is 2023, the complete range of products received the Best of Neocon award in the Sustainability sector.
BlockO is also Quiet Mark certified, an international award program that recognizes excellence in low-noise products, technology and solutions for unwanted noise.

Factory facilities
Renewable energy protects nature and preserves natural resources.
We use environmentally friendly
electricity produced by solar, wind, or hydropower to power our facilities.
All of the energy we use in our production facilities comes from renewable natural sources.

Minimum waste
High-end products with minimum waste generated – how is it possible?
Minimizing waste is a key factor when producing BlockO products.
BlockO LAB is the unit in our company responsible for new products and waste material application.
One of the great examples of BlockO LAB’s success is the coffee table, designed and produced using left over materials of the BlockO frame.

One company’s waste is someone else’s treasure
Although we are minimizing waste more efficiently each day, there will always be small quantities of non-usable materials such as small pieces of ECOfelt and fabrics.
Working alongside local schools and kindergartens, we have organized BlockO workshops where these colorful materials have found a new purpose in children’s art classes.
We believe that this is how we can encourage and inspire the designers, architects and furniture makers of the future.

Smart Packing -system
The package of BlockO is designed to easily recyclable. We don’t use any heavy weight constructions on the package and we even use the parts of the BlockO as the packing construction.
BlockO is delivered in parts with easy-build-up instructions. Thanks to compact size and light weight of the package we can minimize the space needed and weight load when transporting.
Sustainability report
Discover more about the sustainability and certificates of the materials we use. Download the complete sustainability report by clicking the button below.